
Within the Raid Guild Discord, you’ll notice a suite of Categories each full of different sub-channels. Here’s what you need to know about each.


Public channels are available to everyone in the Discord. This offers a crossing ground for Apprentices and Guilders and is largely recreational. Guilders should keep a close eye on #projects as this is where Apprentices are earning their chops and contributing to better refine the Guild.

#tavernOpenWelcome messages, small talk, basic Q & A
#randomOpenTalk any random stuff that comes to your mind
#cultureOpenShare your culture and everything that is fun, interesting and informative
#bright-ideasOpenShare unique ideas that you can’t hold onto anymore
#memesOpenCrowd sourcing interesting,funny, thought provoking content from our community
#eventsOpenA dedicated place to drop links for events & online meetups
#wine-cellarOpenA place to share your projects and get help testing and user research
#client-arenaOpenGeneral chat for all Raid Guild Clients
#shill-your-stuffOpenUse this channel to shill your tweet, work, anything you find informative and to be known.
#ground-stationOpenThis is a channel that is subscribed to follow announcements from other servers
#⚔-product-supportOpen⚔️ Use this channel for questions and inquiries related to Raid Guild's suite of tools. Smart Invoice, WrapETH, etc...


The Barracks is a place for anyone to explore ideas, share projects, or resources that they deem may be useful for the Guild, they also may be downright rubbish!

#libraryOpenA place to share resources, articles, tooling, and any other cool stuff
#dorgOpenA channel to discuss bridging discord bots into other channels
#metagameOpenA place to talk about anything Meta and MetaGame related
#messhallOpenChat about joining the guild. Share what you're working on!


Seasons are a method of engagement that were introduced by Guild members in February of 2021. The purpose of Seasons are to make sure that everyone who joins the Guild gains equal footing when beginning to take on projects and tasks within Raid Guild. The way Seasons does this is to onboard new apprentices in waves to ensure that there is no information gaps between what Apprentices know and what Members know.

#hqMembers OnlyGeneral announcements and ways to stay up to date on the season(n) cohort
#commonsMembers OnlyGeneral chat for season(n)! Introduce yourself here!
#clericsMembers OnlyA place to coordinate Cleric availability and client submissions
#projectsMembers OnlyA place for Apprentices to coordinate and collaborate on projects
_#problems-n-pain-pointsMembers OnlyA place to describe your problems or frictions that you may have run into
_#project-suggestion-boxMembers OnlyA place to make suggestions and get feedback on your ideas
_#season(n)-daoMembers OnlyA sandbox DAO so you can REALLY understand how a DAO operates!
_#season(n)-skillsMembers OnlyA channel to share and log member skills using Skills-Bot

Guild HQ

HQ is where we discuss Raid Guild Improvements and is a place where a variety of conversations take place. Guilders chat with one another about general Raid questions and feedback, discuss Client submissions and find new Guilders to form a Raid Party. If you’re looking for people to help you on your Raid, Guild HQ is a great first place to start. Guild HQ is also where you’ll look when chatting about anything to help make Raid Guild better than it is today.

Got an idea for how to improve Raid Guild with an internal Raid? Check out #rip-discussion to make a Raid Improvement Proposal (RIP) and get feedback and soft consensus form other Guilders.

#who-is-avaliableMembers OnlyA place to find team members to jump on new raids by mentioning roles required
#client-submissionsMembers OnlyData from client requests on Airtable form are dropped into this channel
#announcementsMembers OnlyGuild wide announcements and updates
#rip-discussionMembers OnlyA place to discuss Raid Guild Improvement Proposals
#pollsMembers OnlyA channel for informal polls alone
#opsMembers OnlyThis is where we talk about Raid Guild operations; the stuff we're doing to make Raid Guild work harder, better, and faster.
#snapshotMembers OnlyA channel for discussing voting through snapshot

Guild Commons

The Guild Commons is the place for general conversation about the Guild as well as more serious discussions around championing new members to enhance operations and treasury management.

#generalMembers OnlyGeneral chat for Raid Guild Members
#roadmapMembers OnlyA channel for discussing the Roadmap and the future of Raid Guild
#bulletin-boardMembers OnlyBoard for random non-RG job opportunities. More stable web3 positions
#treasuryMembers OnlyA channel for discussing Raid Guild treasury management
#sales-opsMembers OnlyA place to discuss Guild sales, traffic, and client engagement
#did-a-thingMembers OnlyA place to share something awesome that you did for the Guild
#legalsMembers OnlyAll things about LLC and Legal services
#championsMembers OnlyA place for Guild members to champion prospective members
#rg-uberhausMembers OnlyA channel for coordinating between Raid Guild and UberHaus

Internal Services

Internal services is where we move ongoing RIPs to after the objectives of the initial RIP have been met. These often are tools Raid Guild is building for supplementing internal operations.

#smart-escrowMembers OnlyA channel to track and make improvements to Smart Escrow
#hire-usMembers OnlyA channel for improving the "hire us" form and the client onboarding UX
#handbookMembers OnlyA channel for discussing improvements to the Raid Guild Handbook
#web-portfolioMembers OnlyA channel for making updates to Raid Guild's Web Portfolio
#brand-shopMembers OnlyDiscuss optimal strategy/implementation of a Raid Guild Brand Shop, where we create and sell goods. Spoils back to creators and the guild bank.

House of Shill

House of Shill is where the Guild converses about anything external facing, and it is a place where we foster great shill-man-ship.

#productMembers OnlyA channel for dicussing web3 products
#newsletterMembers OnlyA channel for discussing State of the Raid
#shill-shoptalkMembers OnlyA channel for making our clients marketing dreams a reality
#wordsmithsMembers OnlyA channel for coordinating documentation needs in and outside the Guild

House of Bits & Design

House of Bits & Design is where more in depth conversations take place regarding Raid Guild development and Design.

#designMembers OnlyA channel for dicussing web3 design
#devMembers OnlyA channel for discussing anything development

Machine Shop

Machine Shop is where our discord bot currently lives. Members can use these channels to discuss anything bots related or to obtain important information about Raider availablity for instance.

#bot-chatMembers OnlyAll discussions, feature requests, bug reports about bots can made here.
#command-centerMembers OnlyA channel for all bot commands.

Active Raids/RIPs

This is where all active Raids are listed. You will notice each subchannel starts with #raid signalling it is an ongoing engagement. Each Raid is given a unique name and a pinned message which describes what the Raid is about.

Keen to get involved with a given Raid? Slide through the subchannel and politely ask where you can add value. More times than not Raids can always use an extra hand!

#[raid-project/rip-project]Members OnlyProjects you’re working on go here. Each channel requires a pinned message so other members know what the raid entails.

Client Chats

As we sort out an engagement with a client, we may open a Client Chat subchannel to discuss the scope and figure out exactly what is needed. Client chats are a great way to get some visibility into who’s on the other side of a Raid, and their tone, expectations and budget for an ongoing Raid.

Not all Raids have a Client Chat in Discord, as many times this happens outside of Discord on platforms like Telegram. Please respect that all Client Chats are proprietary and that any information taken from Client Chats and used maliciously may result in a permanent banning from Raid Guild.

#[client-project]Members OnlyClient and team discussions before starting the raid.

Valhalla Closed Raids

Archived Raid channels that have been closed out. Learn more about when it’s time to close a Raid using How To Close a Raid.