Become an Apprentice

Raid Guild has instituted a new onboarding process through the utilization of Cohorts.

As each cohort evolves, this process will change. In 2022, the below information regarding 1 share tributes is no longer current, but has been left for posterity.

Note If Season(n) is in session or has not yet begun, we recommend that you find someone with the role @TavernKeeper to vouch for you and get you setup as an apprentice.

All new entries will start as an Apprentice. Apprentices can earn a maximum of 1 share and may be upgraded to a Guilder by pledging 500 wxDAI as tribute for 100 Shares after being championed. Here’s how it works:

  1. Submit an application on the Raid Guild homepage > Join Us.

    • Take your time filling out the Join Us form, as we will determine whether or not you’re a good fit for the Guild based on your ability to effectively communicate your skills and the value you will bring to the Guild as an Apprentice. Also, keep in mind that simply filling out the “Join Us” form does not guarantee you entry into Raid Guild as an Apprentice.
  2. Join the Raid Guild Discord and introduce yourself in #tavern.

  3. Showcase your past work and skills in #shill-your-stuff.

  4. Look out for issues to work on in #projects to earn reputation.

  5. Once you prove yourself with the skills and reputation, a member of the Guild will signal your eligibility to receive your 1 Apprentice Share.

  6. Submit a Membership Proposal for 1 Share with 0 Token Tribute in Raid Guild DAO.

  7. Once the proposal passes, you will be given access to member exclusive channels.

  8. For the remaining 99 shares to get yourself promoted from an Apprentice to Member, you will need to have worked on one Raid or RIP (See How to Join a Raid) and pledge with funds you earn while raiding or have at your disposal through other means.

  9. A Member will oversee your progress and once it's done, you will be championed in #champions as a signal for your remaining 99 share proposal.

  10. Submit a Member Proposal for 99 Shares with 495 wxDAI Tribute in Raid Guild DAO.

  11. Once the proposal passes, you are now a full Raid Guild Member.

Note: In some cases, Members may earn shares for past work instead of pledging tribute. However, each Member is expected to contribute 500wxDAI (or 500 wxdDAI worth of value) to the DAO in order to become a Member.